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The intent of this publication is to revise the assumptions associated with Einstein’s relativity theories, thereby postulating an alternate theory, somewhat analogous to Einstein's concepts; however, now compatible with the existence of the ether. Therefore, as will be revealed, relativity and quantum mechanics, rather than being disconnected, are then a part of one overall unified theory.



For those individuals who read this book, it will be readily obvious that the author is not a physicist nor an engineer, since this publication uses only minimal math. In addition, the vocabulary differs from accepted scientific terminology, and its organization deviates from conventional scientific standards. Consequently, most scientists and physicists will not even consider evaluating this dissertation.


Nevertheless, my guess is that the only reason you are reading it, is this: The concepts presented in Chapter 3 demonstrate that the Michelson–Morley experiment (MMX), as classically performed/interpreted, as well as other experiments, which are used as proof of the ether’s absence, are instead shown to be silent as to whether or not it exists.


So, presuming this postulate is accepted, furthermore, given the other observations presented in Chapter 3, which virtually prove the ether’s existence; then a new theory of relativity needs to be formulated, moreover, based on the ether. Hopefully, because of the credibility of Chapter 3, even though the author is not a physicist, the scientific community will then be motivated to read and evaluate this entire treatise. However, please keep in mind that it is not in the classical sense a scientific publication. Pay attention to its substance and ideas, rather than its superficial form.


Notice to the reader. There are numerous references to websites in each chapter of this book. However, for a variety of reasons, over time URLs become unavailable. Nevertheless, they still can be accessed at the website: Wayback Machine, an internet archive []. Please refer to that site if necessary.

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© 2021 by Ramsey

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